January 11, 2022
AgencyAuto Insurance Costs and the Points on Your License
Your driving habits often impact how much you pay for auto insurance. The best way for car insurance agencies to know how safe of a driver you are is to use your driving record. Your state’s department of motor vehicles collects this information. It includes any instance in which you break the law while behind […]
December 14, 2021
AgencyBusiness Liability and Your BOP Policy: Ways to Stay Protected
December 14, 2021
AgencyWho Needs Professional Liability Insurance?
December 14, 2021
AgencyCoverage Options for Your Farm’s Livestock
October 13, 2021
AgencyDoes Farm Insurance Cover Cattle?
Farms are unique businesses which face a variety of risks that are different from usual business risks and need the appropriate coverage to reflect their needs. Many of these insurance policies, known as farm insurance policies, also include coverage for livestock and cattle. Having living creatures under insurance is unique in itself, but cattle also […]
September 7, 2021
Agency8 Tips to Frustrate a Burglar
There is a home burglary in the US approximately every 15 seconds. If you look around your home today, you know that you have locks on the doors and windows, and you might even have lights on outside. Those are the top two things to frustrate burglars. But, we’d like to give you some […]
August 10, 2021
AgencyDriving in Extreme Weather
Did You Know? Driving in dicey weather conditions can be nerve-wracking. It is important to know how to modify your driving during rain, tornadoes, snow and fog. This will help you stay calm during your commute. Rain and Thunderstorms Turn on your headlights, wipers and defroster so you can see in front of you. Drive […]
July 8, 2021
AgencyCan Business Insurance Protect My Company from Slips and Falls?
Slips and falls are some of the most common types of liability risks for businesses. The problem is that they can occur for various reasons, some of which may be hard to prevent. A customer may spill coffee and then slip on it. Are you responsible for their injuries? What happens when the parking lot […]
June 3, 2021
Agency4 Times When Having General Liability Insurance is a Good Idea
Running a business isn’t always easy. There’s usually a great amount of risk associated with being your own boss. But, having a good amount of insurance protection usually helps keep losses to a minimum. Here are four times when having general liability insurance is a good idea.
May 19, 2021
AgencyHow Much is Farm Insurance?
Farm insurance covers a range of dangers and items unique to farms. Coverage included in farm insurance are: